TeraLeap Provides a Seamless Setup for SalesLeap’s Client Video Testimonials with Turnkey Materials and Support

SalesLeap helps business leaders build outbound B2B sales teams by providing coaching, training, and marketing services, typically working with service and software companies that are in high growth mode through bootstrapping or venture funding.
Chad Jackson, now VP of Marketing at SalesLeap, joined the business in August of 2021 as the director of marketing. In his quest to bring on new clients, he wanted to offer prospects more information about his company so they would feel comfortable going all in with SalesLeap’s supercharging benefits. “Having this social proof, really, it speeds up the sales process,” said Jackson. “In my opinion, video is probably one of the strongest ways that we can communicate that social proof.”
The challenge for Jackson and SalesLeap, like for many other companies, was finding a way to produce high-quality client video testimonials for their website and social media that was affordable and not overwhelming in scope.
“I know it’s a lot of work to go out and film testimonials with clients,” added Jackson. “It takes a lot of time, takes a lot of effort. It takes a lot of scheduling. And I just wasn’t sure. I knew one: we didn’t have the budget to do this. And I knew two: that it takes a lot of time, and clients might not be apt to do it because of that. So I was really just searching for an easy way to get video testimonials from our clients that wasn’t sending out a production crew to their office, but wasn’t just doing boring and low production quality video on Zoom.”
Jackson discovered TeraLeap on LinkedIn. “And it hit me right at the right moment as I was searching for a solution, or searching for inspiration on ways to beef up my social proof.”
“The problem that TeraLeap is solving for me as the marketing director is just making this video production incredibly easy,” continued Jackson, who came from a background in commercial and film production and now partners with TeraLeap to create his testimonials.
Jackson touts TeraLeap’s simplicity of use for getting his productions up and running on a tight timeframe. “They send out a kit — it’s very easy to use. It only takes the client 45 minutes or less to actually do the production. It’s a very seamless setup.”
SalesLeap’s budget wasn’t an issue anymore either. “This turnkey, quick, solid communication and high-quality video production is well worth it.”
Two more things that gave TeraLeap high marks in Jackson’s book: support for the subject of each video and the ability to transform video testimonials into other marketing materials — from blog posts to tweets to TikToks — for a fully integrated approach.
The collaboration between TeraLeap and SalesLeap is new enough that Chad Jackson is still quantifying its effect on conversions. But he’s quick to acknowledge that it’s already moving his sales process on a faster track.
Not only that, SalesLeap’s customers are well qualified and pleased with the results they’re getting. “We get people — the right people — into the funnel and into the process that definitely need us and are going to be able to succeed with our service,” said Jackson.
“I would definitely recommend TeraLeap to any B2B marketers that are looking for a way to get high-quality videos quickly into their marketing and sales materials.”

It takes a lot of work to get a great video testimonial.
Luckily - you don’t
have to do any of it.
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Discover how to get the "yes"
Getting your customers to say “yes!” to a video testimonial can be a challenge. In fact, it’s the most common complaint we hear – so we created a helpful guide and video series for you.
Get access to our 3-part video series and guide that includes:
- Best practices for extracting that elusive ‘yes’
- Suggestions on how to systematize the process for instant buy-in
- 5 data-backed email templates that make it easy
- Additional outreach tactics to dramatically increase your odds