9 B2B outbound sales & social proof insights: get more qualified leads in 2024

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Think outbound sales is dead? Think again.

While it’s easy to believe cold emails and phone calls are relics of the past, the truth is, outbound sales is far from over.

In fact, GTM partners latest research shows that 86% of B2B businesses are investing in outbound right now.

We just wrapped up a deep dive panel with top B2B experts, Sarah Allen Short from GTM Partners and Christian Puma from Sales Leap, where they dropped some serious knowledge on how outbound sales is making a comeback in 2024—with a modern twist.

From using video testimonials to power up your social proof to leveraging smart automation that’ll have your prospects wondering if you’ve been reading their minds, this isn’t your old-school sales playbook.

In this post, I’ve broken down the 9 biggest takeaways from the conversation, each paired with an actionable tip that you can put into practice today:

(takeaways #8 & #9 directly answer questions we’ve been seeing from other marketers)

1. Outbound is Evolving: Adapt or Get Left Behind

  • Timecode: 02:36 – 04:57
  • Takeaway: Traditional outbound tactics, like using the same email templates or call scripts from last year, are no longer as effective. The outbound landscape is changing, and companies need to innovate continuously.
  • Actionable Tactic: Audit your outbound strategies quarterly. Replace outdated email sequences with fresh ones that reflect current buyer behaviors. Experiment with new outreach methods, like AI-driven personalization or video messages, to stand out.

2. Leadership Accountability Drives Outbound Success

  • Timecode: 04:58 – 07:50
  • Takeaway: Outbound success requires leadership accountability. Sales leaders must ensure their teams have a solid strategy, the right tools, and regular coaching.
  • Actionable Tactic: Establish a weekly management cadence for one-on-ones with sales reps. Begin each week with “Monday Morning Sprints” to set outbound priorities and align cross-functional teams.

3. Sales and Marketing Must Work Together for Outbound

  • Timecode: 07:51 – 10:15
  • Takeaway: Outbound works best when sales and marketing collaborate, sharing the responsibility for messaging, targeting, and execution. Siloed efforts will limit effectiveness.
  • Actionable Tactic: Create a shared “outbound playbook” between sales and marketing. Ensure both teams have access to the same social proof assets (e.g., testimonials) and align on when and how to use them throughout the buyer’s journey.

4. Use Social Proof to Move Prospects

  • Timecode: 21:01 – 23:16
  • Takeaway: Social proof, like video testimonials and case studies, is essential for outbound outreach. It builds credibility and makes your pitch more relevant to the prospect.
  • Actionable Tactic: Use short, industry-specific testimonial clips in your email sequences. Instead of simply asking for a meeting, share a video of a customer success story that aligns with the prospect’s industry to add credibility.

5. Use Video Testimonials at Every Stage of the Sales Funnel

  • Timecode: 23:17 – 26:00
  • Takeaway: Video testimonials are a powerful form of social proof, especially when they are relevant to your prospect’s industry or pain points. Use them at every stage of the sales funnel to build trust.
  • Actionable Tactic: Build a library of industry-specific video testimonials. Use shorter clips (15-30 seconds) in cold emails, and showcase longer videos on landing pages or follow-ups. Sales teams should also drop relevant testimonials into live conversations to build credibility.

6. Turn Customers into Micro-Influencers with Social Proof

  • Timecode: 26:01 – 28:10
  • Takeaway: Your customers can be your best advocates if you make it easy for them to share their stories. Allow customers to promote video testimonials or post about their success with your product on social media.
  • Actionable Tactic: When delivering testimonial videos to customers, provide them with pre-written social media copy (lazy copy) they can use to post on LinkedIn or other platforms. Encourage your sales team to tag prospects in these posts to spark interest and gain exposure.

7. Don’t Sleep on Retention: Use Outbound to Upsell

  • Timecode: 12:46 – 14:15
  • Takeaway: Outbound isn’t just for acquiring new customers; it’s also a strong tool for retaining and upselling to current clients. You can double your business through retention and expansion without acquiring new clients.
  • Actionable Tactic: Implement an “expansion outbound strategy” targeting current customers. Use SDRs to engage in cross-sell and upsell opportunities. Pair this with post-onboarding engagement touchpoints to nurture relationships and boost revenue.

8. Personalization is Key, but Prioritize It Wisely

  • Timecode: 41:31 – 45:00
  • Takeaway: Personalizing outreach is vital for breaking through to prospects, but not every lead needs the same level of personalization. Prioritize high-effort personalization for key targets or those who show strong engagement.
  • Actionable Tactic: Christian’s smart sequence approach: Use CRM automation to match industry-specific testimonials to prospects. Set up smart sequences to automatically pull relevant testimonials based on industry or engagement. This saves time while maintaining high relevance.

9. Leverage First-Party Data for Targeted Outreach

  • Timecode: 38:40 – 41:30
  • Takeaway: First-party engagement data (like website visits or email opens) is often more valuable than third-party intent data because it reflects real-time interest. Use this data to drive targeted outreach.
  • Actionable Tactic: Build engagement dashboards for your sales team that track first-party interactions (e.g., who viewed your case studies or pricing pages). Use this data to prioritize follow-ups and craft customized messages based on the prospect’s activity.

FREE resources:

Free research report on making outbound work from Sarah at GTM Partners: https://hub.gtmpartners.com/gtm-research-guidance/making-outbound-led-growth-work

From Chad at SalesLeap – Unlock 6 Proven Tactics to Boost Your B2B Outbound Sales: https://info.salesleap.com/linkedin-live-9-17-2024

Testimonial Request Guide (email templates, checklists, tactics, and more): https://teraleap.journey.io/p/gettingtheyes


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